Our dear Belka's tummy is getting bigger by the day. She spends most of her time in the house cuddling up next to anyone willing to rub her tummy or just pat her head. We all enjoy the rainy days and are blessed to have a holiday and be home during her pregnancy. The kids and I can not wait for the pups to be born.
Spending time with her, I realise again that Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely good family dogs, even for first-time dog owners. Their temperaments adjust very well to kids and other family pets. According to my research, the same goes for Bernedoodles.
Bernedoodles love being near people and are caring and gentle regarding small kids. They also adore running around the backyard with older children and adults.
If your family spends most of the time away from home taking part in activities your doodle can’t join in, a Bernedoodle might not be the best choice for your family.
This breed wants to be involved in all the adventures your family takes part in, whether it's on a couch on a rainy day or a lovely day at the beach or walking in nature. They love nothing more than being part of the pack.
Follow our blog to learn more about the breed, know what's happening in Belka's pregnancy and meet our gorgeous puppies.